Chimney Repair
Chimneys are often the first brick damage to appear on a home due to it's direct contact with weather with generally no protection.
It is very important to address damaged chimneys immediately. Debris can fall causing damage to property, or even worse, people. It can also become a point of entry for water and rodents.
Browse through the gallery to see chimneys repaired by Alterfine Masonry

Tuck Pointing
Over time, weather and decay causes voids in the joints between the brick. This becomes an entry point for water and rodents. It can cause serious problems primarily during heavy rain fall and frost. When the need for pointing is neglected, it can lead to brick replacement and water entry
Browse through the gallery to see some pointing completed by Alterfine Masonry.

Parging is the application of a thin layer of mortar over concrete or masonry. It is used to create a continuous smooth or textured look over uneven surfaces. It is also used as wind barrier and a more economic but less permanent alternative to tuck pointing.
Browse through the gallery to see some parging installed by Alterfine Masonry

Brick Work
The need for brick work can arise on any house old and new. Damaged bricks can occur from excessive water contact like a leaky eaves trough, flaws in the brick, weather, age, and likely, a combination of all of those things. Most spalled bricks start with a hairline crack and eventually break right out. Neglecting these damaged bricks lead to eventual water inside the home and residual damages.
Browse through the gallery to see some brick repair completed by Alterfine Masonry